A Pharmacist-led 
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention 
and Remission Program

KnowDiabetes is Australia’s pioneering pharmacist-led diabetes prevention and remission Program.


The KnowDiabetes Program utilises Aarian Health’s proprietary digital pathways to engage eligible individuals with pharmacists (face-to-face), and with Credentialled Diabetes Educators (CDE)  and Accredited Practising Dietitians (APD) through remote telehealth Our mission is to provide comprehensive, accessible, and personalised approach to diabetes prevention and remission.

Did you know that 463 million adults worldwide live with diabetes, and this number is expected to rise to 700 million by 2045? At KnowDiabetes, we are committed to tackling this global health challenge by empowering individuals with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to take control of their health.

Program Author

Dr. Alan Barclay

Leading our team of experts is Dr. Alan Barclay, an accredited practising dietitian and nutritionist with nearly 30 years of experience in clinical dietetics, public health, and academia. Dr. Barclay's extensive research on the association between carbohydrates and the risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases like type 2 diabetes has been instrumental in shaping our approach to diabetes management and prevention.

Throughout his career, Dr. Barclay has:

  • Completed a PhD at the University of Sydney on the link between carbohydrates and lifestyle-related diseases.
  •  Served as an honorary associate at the University of Sydney.
  •  Worked as a consultant to the Glycemic Index Foundation.
  •  Headed the Research department at the Australian Diabetes Council / Diabetes Australia NSW from 1998-2014
  •  Appeared frequently in media outlets, sharing his expertise with the public 
  • Authored or co-authored 5 books, including the acclaimed "Reversing Diabetes"
A Comprehensive Approach to Diabetes Management and Prevention

At KnowDiabetes, we believe that a comprehensive approach is essential for successful diabetes management and prevention. Our program is designed to support individuals at every stage of their journey, from those at risk of developing diabetes to those seeking to manage their condition effectively.

The Crucial Role of Pharmacists

Pharmacists are often the first point of contact for individuals concerned about their health. In the KnowDiabetes program, pharmacists play a vital role in screening individuals who could benefit from our services. As medication experts, they provide valuable insights and guidance to help participants get started on their path to better health.

The KnowDiabetes program has obtained accreditation from the Australasian College of Pharmacy (ACP). The activity has been accredited for 3 hours of Group Two CPD (or 6 CPD credits), suitable for inclusion in individual pharmacists' CPD plans upon successful completion of the associated assessment activity under Accreditation Number: A2301KD1.

Personalised Nutrition with Accredited Dietitians

Food choices play a critical role in diabetes management and prevention. That's why our team of accredited dietitians work closely with each participant to create personalised and sustainable meal plans. By providing evidence-based dietary advice, promoting portion control, and guiding individuals towards healthier food choices, our dietitians help participants manage their weight and blood sugar levels effectively.
Support and expert guidance  from Credentialled Diabetes Educators 
A Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE) is a healthcare professional who specialises in supporting people living with diabetes. They will provide you with the advice and education you need to manage your diabetes with confidence. A CDE will advise you and support you in making lifestyle changes. They will also inform you about other health problems you may be at risk of because of your diabetes and let you know how you can prevent these problems.

Ongoing Support
and Progress Tracking

The Importance of Regular Follow-Up

Consistency and accountability are key to achieving long-term health goals. In the KnowDiabetes program, our pharmacists track participants' progress, conduct periodic cheque-ins, and offer resources written in plain English to ensure that individuals stay on track and make necessary adjustments along the way. By providing ongoing support and encouragement, we help participants stay motivated and committed to their health journey.

Celebrating Achievable Goals

Preventing or achieving remission of diabetes is challenging, but it is possible with the right support system. Research shows that losing just 5-7% of body weight can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58%. In the KnowDiabetes program, we celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, to inspire continued dedication and resilience.

The Power of Human Connection

In a world filled with motivational videos and diet hacks, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and alone. That's why the KnowDiabetes Program prioritises human connection. Our team of pharmacists, dietitians and diabetes educators provide expert guidance, a listening ear, and a supportive shoulder. By offering valuable problem-solving skills, coping strategies, and encouragement during challenging times, we help participants build resilience and stay focused on their goals.

Take the First Step
with KnowDiabetes

If you are a pharmacist, a professional service manager, or a pharmacy business owner keen on making a difference in the community, contact us today. Introduce a new service into your store that positively impacts your community, and enhances engagement with individuals with diabetes, and those at risk. All this, while creating new revenue streams for your pharmacy business.

Contact us to learn more about

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